Few sports activities are more satisfying and feel better than a solidly struck golf iron shot. Your golf ball is sitting in the middle of the fairway after just smoking a drive from the tee on a long par 4. You go through your pre-shot routine, pick the appropriate golf iron out of the bag, address the golf ball, and execute a fully released, middle of the club face iron shot. The golf ball fly’s straight and true, hit’s the green, hops and comes to a very abrupt stop 3 feet from the flag stick. You swear you never felt the golf ball hit the club face, you check your divot and it looks beautiful, you hit the golf ball first then the ground and the divot is shallow and on the target side of the golf ball pointing straight to your intended target.
What is the secret to accomplishing this great feeling sport activity? Until now you went to your golf club’s PGA teaching professional and started to work on your golf swing, took numerous playing lessons and beat golf balls on the practice range until you were sore. Ben Hogan said the secret is in the dirt. Like most recreational golfers you wondered in amazement how PGA tour professionals could hit towering soft landing iron shots with relative ease. Standing on the practice range at a local PGA tour event you are baffled how they hit iron shots with ease and accuracy. Each shot looks the exactly the same, you ask in wonderment, “how do they do that, they are not doing anything and the ball just seems to go forever?”
Well a recreational golfer started the search for the truth and used research, science, high speed video and simple common sense to invent a golf training device to help the average recreational golfer achieve golfing nirvana, the solidly struck golf iron shot. The IronSolid golf training device was invented and patented. Simplistic in design and functional in use, after a short time on the practice range you to can start the journey to become a better iron player. The IronSolid is available at for $29.95. BUY THE IRONSOLID HERE The inventor and company president is donating a portion of the proceeds from each sale to the Wounded Warrior Foundation.
Al Rymniak is on a mission, he emphatically states, “it really upset’s me that people do not enjoy golf as one of the easiest recreational games because they become frustrated and believe that hitting a quality golf shot is hard”. “The other part of the equation is people believe they must achieve the perfect golf swing in order to play well. “So who’s swing do you model?” he asks. Lee Trevino, Gary Player, Tom Watson, Jack Nicklaus, Tiger Woods, Arnold Palmer, Jim Furyk? Really what this comes down to is a ball, a tool (the golf club), and your hand eye coordination. In analyzing the impact zone, 12 inches before the golf ball and 6 inches after the golf ball, Rymniak found that the majority of great iron players and PGA tour players do very similar things when hitting a quality iron shot. They hit the ball with a descending blow around 20-24 degrees from horizontal, the club face is rotating open to closed through the impact zone at 2.5 degrees per inch and is only square at the moment of contact, and they de-loft the club around 8 degrees by having their hands ahead of the golf ball at impact.
The IronSolid helps the recreational player achieve these results and is one of the most innovative approaches on the market today. To learn more about the theory and method visit www.ironsolid.com, you might just amaze yourself and once you hit a perfectly struck iron shot you will be hooked, Hit It Solid!