Friday, February 1, 2013

10,000 Swings in January

Mission accomplished!  I was able to complete the 10,000 kettlebell swing challenge in January.

I actually did 11,100 one arm kettlebell swings.  It really wasn't that difficult once I set my mind to the task and took it one swing at a time.  I used a combination of the 16kg and 20kg bell.

I performed swings on 26 of the 31 days, lowest daily total was 150, highest was 1000.

I averaged 426 per day when I did the swings.  Set and rep schemes varied upon the 'bell size and other training I did that day.  With the 20kg 'bell I did sets of 30,40,50 reps, with the 16kg 'bell I did sets of 50,75,100 reps.

A practice session:  20kg bell
30 rep sets.  10R/10L/10H2H or 15R/15L or 5R/5L/10H2H/5R/5L
40 rep sets.  15R/15L/10H2H or 20R/20L or 5R/5L/20H2H/5R/5L
50 rep sets.  15R/15L/20H2H or 25R/25L or 10R/10L/10H2H/10R/10L

I would break the practice session up depending upon the goal for the day, waving between 30,40 and 50 rep schemes.

A practice session: 16kg bell
50 rep sets. 15R/15L/20H2H or 25R/25L or 10R/10L/10H2H/10R/10L
75 rep sets. 20R/20L/30H2H or 15R/15L/15H2H/15R/15L or 10R/10L/30H2H/10R/10L
100 rep sets.  30R/30L/40H2H or 20R/20L/20H2H/20R/20L or 15R/15L/40H2H/15R/15L

When I felt fresh I would do 100 rep sets with the 16kg, but mostly stuck to the 50 rep scheme.

I also used the TV Fitness Challenge on the weekends and did swings using that protocol while watching NCAA basketball and NFL football.  On two days I was able to do 1000 swings.

This challenge was really good for me.  I was able to dial in my swing form as I concentrated on perfecting each rep.  The focus on the reps and the set routine provided a great training affect.

I was also training an Easy Strength protocol.  So my volume was quite high this month.

This challenge got my 2013 off to a very good start.  I am doing a new challenge in February.

Stay tooned!

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