What makes the kettlebell unique and very effective for
golf fitness is the offset center of mass that extends beyond your hand as you
hold the ‘bell, and the various ballistic, swinging, rotational and tension
movements you can practice that are not very well accommodated with a
traditional fitness routines and fitness equipment.
The movements combine mobility, stability, balance, body
awareness, strength and power training all in one. When training the full power
golf swing similar physical characteristics come into play. Kettlebell
movements are also holistic in nature; therefore they work several large
muscles groups simultaneously.
Like the golf swing there are no isolation movements performed with a
kettlebell, every movement requires a practice of linked coordination with
tension and relaxation simultaneously. The carry over effect to the golf swing
is tremendous. Because the golf swing is a ground up coordinated whole body
movement that produces a ballistic force, the kettlebell becomes the perfect
tool for training golf fitness.
Kettlebell movements also have very little if any impact
on your joints, most movements have a rehabilitative effect on shoulders, hips
and lower back areas when performed properly. These aspects make kettlebell practice ideal for golfers of
any fitness level. Kettlebell
practice will make you strong, supple, resilient and lean. Ideal for building a
better golf machine.
Practice sessions with kettlebells are typically less
than 20 minutes in length with a warmup. The movements provide twice the
results in half the time of a traditional golf fitness exercise sessions. A typical golf fitness regimen might
include, 20 minutes of cardio work, 20 minutes of isolated strength exercises
and 20 minutes of mobility/flexibility work. This type of golf fitness regimen is outdated in nature
since the kettlebell provides the opportunity to better train your body to
perform in a very forceful coordinated movement that transfers over to the golf
swing more effectively in a much shorter time period. Leaving you more time to
practice your golf skills.
The fundamental RKC Hardstyle Swing so closely mirrors
the muscular activation patterns of the golf swing it is almost scary. Both are
full body mulit-joint movements that move a relatively light object to a pre
stretch loaded position, then the object is smoothly accelerated using a very
powerful hip drive, creating tremendous ballistic force, the object reaches an
impact point where all the forces are concentrated, then the object is
eccentrically brought back to rest.
The kettlebell swing and the golf swing are two of the most explosive
movements in all of sport. Both movements use the tension/relaxation
performance cycle to create maximal power. Strength and speed make up a
powerful kettlebell swing as well as a powerful golf swing.
The hand-to-hand rotational movements practiced with the
kettlebell will build outstanding rotational power from the ground up, training
the body to take the power generated from the legs, through the core of the
body, into the shoulders, down through the arms and into the golf club. There
are no better movements that can be done that will carry over to the full golf
summary the kettlebell, introduce back into the United States only 11 years ago
has been overlooked as the optimal training tool for building a better golfer,
but the benefits are far out weighing the resistance to change. Golf equipment has gone through some
really radical changes over the past five years, golf fitness is experiencing a
very similar revolution with the introduction of kettlebell movements to the
golf community.
says kettlebells work. You can
burn all the calories in half the time, fix chronic aches and pains in your
body, and get stronger! This odd
looking implement has completely transformed this 53 year old golfer. My low back and my shoulders do not
cause me pain anymore when I practice or play golf, I am as strong as I was at
25 years old, but I’m in much better condition. My golf scores are at an all
time low with the only swing change made is I am now swinging a kettlebell for
golf fitness.
Keep in mind that Kettlebells are just a tool, if used
incorrectly they can cause some serious injury, if used correctly they can
change your golf performance dramatically in a very short time, and maybe
transform your life. Are you willing to give them a try? If so go see your local RKC and get
proper instruction. Find a RKC Instructor near you.
It would be hard pressed to find anything similar in the
fitness world at the investment cost, with the portability, and the tremendous
benefits that are derived from practicing simple but effective kettlebell
movements when it comes to golf fitness.
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