Saturday, January 7, 2012

Easy Golf Strength

One of the easiest ways to start building your golf strength is to do loaded carries.  I like using a kettlebell as the tools of the trade in my strength program. This simple but effective "hand held gym" will allow you to build incredible strength in a very short time. A good weight to start with is 16kg (35lbs).

RKC Kettlebell from

Suit Case Carry is the first carry that you will perform.  Hold the KB in your right hand you will carry this like you would a suit case.  Walk smoothly and slowly about 25 yards, stay upright, stand tall, brace you core, you should feel a tightening across your entire midsection, crush grip the KB, this will build grip and forearm strength. Once you go the desired distance, switch hands and walk back using the same technique.

Next you will do a Rack Carry, you will hold the KB in the rack position in your right arm, and walk 25 yards, again staying tight through the mid section and tall as you walk smoothly.  Go the desired distance and switch to a left arm rack position and return.

Finally you will do an Overhead Carry, clean and press the KB overhead with your right arm. You will now walk the 25 yards with the KB locked out overhead in your right arm.  Walk tall and smoothly, this will tax your entire core and your shoulder stabilizers, keep your shoulder "packed" in the socket and your elbow locked out.  Go the desired distance and switch to your left arm and repeat.

These three simple carries will do wonders for your golf strength. They will build tremendous core strength and strengthen all of the small stabilizer muscles through out your hip girdle and lower back.  The suitcase, rack and overhead carry will strengthen your shoulder stabilizers and your upper back muscles.  These area's are very important in the golf swing.

If you do nothing else for your golf strength but Kettlebell carries you will improve your golf strength tremendously.  To increase the intensity, either carry for longer distance, or increase the weight.

I prefer increasing the distance initially this builds strength plus endurance. Keep up these carries through out the golf season and you will be glad that you incorporated them into your golf fitness routine.

Another great variation is to do the carries in a figure eight pattern, this will work you mobility, coordination and stabilization tremendously.

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