Friday, January 4, 2013

Getting in 10,000 swings in January

I'm committed!  Probably should be.  In the month of January I am going to do 10,000 swings.

10,000, read that again!  I am getting myself in golf condition.  I am going to perform one arm kettlebell swings with a 20kg kettlebell ~ 45 pounds.

The KB SW so closely mirrors the muscular activation patterns of the golf swing it is almost scary. Both are full body mulit-joint movements that move a relatively light object to a pre stretch loaded position, then the object is smoothly accelerated using a very powerful hip drive, creating tremendous ballistic force, the object reaches an impact point where all the forces are concentrated, then the object is eccentrically brought back to rest.  The kettlebell swing and the golf swing are two of the most explosive movements in all of sport. Both movements use the tension/relaxation performance cycle to create maximal power. Strength and speed make up a powerful kettlebell swing as well as a powerful golf swing.

The hand-to-hand movements practiced with the kettlebell will build outstanding rotational power from the ground up, training the body to take the power generated from the legs, through the core of the body, into the shoulders, down through the arms and into the golf club. There are no better movements that can be done that will carry over to the full golf swing.

My 10,000 swings will be hand-to-hand one arm swings with a 20kg bell.  (H2H 1ASW).

I start with my left arm and perform a swing and transfer the KB to the right hand and perform a right arm KB swing, this is the H2H pattern used to complete the desired number of swings for that set.  I will use sets of 30 1 ASW H2H for the first 2500 swings. Then I will increase it to 35 for the next 2500, and so on.  I want to make sure the SW's are done crisply and as perfect as I can perform them, my mantra is NO SLOPPY SWINGS.

The beauty of the H2H 1ASW is that it builds tremendous rotational and anti-rotational mobility, stability, balance, strength and power.  There is a counter rotational aspect to the swing on the none KB side.   The carry over effect is insane, as this movement closely mimics the body's muscle activation patterns necessary in a powerful yet graceful golf swing. It is a ballistic rhythmic pattern of tension and relaxation.

There is no better movement than the KB SW for training golf power, and the 1 arm swing, hand-to-hand is as good as it gets.

As of January 3, 2013 the count is 1230. Onward to 10,000 swings in January.

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