Thursday, July 11, 2013

10 Reasons Why You Should Be Practicing With Kettlebells For Golf Fitness

Kettlebells and Platinum Golf Fitness

Following is a quick list of ten reasons why I think you should be practicing with kettlebells for golf performance. There are many more, but I’m hoping this list will help you come to a better understanding on how to approach utilizing this amazing tool.

1. Efficiency – Kettlebells (in conjunction with a handful of high-tension body weight skills) can provide an intense full-body practice session in an incredibly short period of time. A session of less than 20 minutes in length can have you drenched with sweat and gasping for air. Most “trainers” recommend that you perform lengthy cardio, flexibility and resistance sessions for up to 6 to 8 hours a week for golf fitness.  A week’s worth of kettlebell practice sessions equal only a fraction of that and you will get much better results. And wouldn’t you really want to spend that time working on golf skills?

2. Tension Management – Kettlebells require that you develop a high level of sensitivity in regards to grip strength and tension distribution and redistribution that readily transfers to golf performance. The kettlebell’s displaced center of gravity create grip and forearm strength requirements that cannot be matched by regular free weights or machines. The ability to create and distribute tension is of paramount importance to a golfer.  Not only is it a factor in strength endurance, but also in speed, mobility, stability and golf power as well. Muscles become stronger by learning how to contract them more effectively, explosively, and efficiently. The body as a unit becomes stronger by learning how to instigate a coordinated firing of muscles in a more effective, explosive, and efficient manner.  This tension management increases shot distance, the golfers holy grail.

3. Mindfulness – Kettlebell practice requires you to “be in the moment,” allowing you to develop a very high-level of concentration, focus, intensity and body awareness. As in golf, lapses in concentration or body awareness are swiftly punished.  A lack of intensity will not allow you to build the requisite strength and mental toughness needed to distinguish yourself in action. How many people have you seen staring off into space while they were working out on a treadmill for fitness? Don’t even think about doing that while practicing kettlebells unless of course you enjoy sitting in the Emergency Room!  The kettlebell demands attention at all times.

4. Sensitivity – Kettlebells require you to constantly challenge your spatial awareness, hand-eye coordination, tension, balance and timing. Once again, these are all skills that will cross over into your golf swing. Think about it.

5. Raw Strength – Kettlebells develop thick, dense, sinewy muscles that deliver when you need them – as opposed to the puffy muscle bound look.  By forcing the muscle to support the KB you end up activating the deeper, harder-to-work, stabilizing and supporting tendons of the muscles. Most golfers who start using kettlebells see a rapid loss of excess body fat and weight. Once the ‘foundation’ phase is over there oftentimes occurs a slight increase in body weight that accompanies a rapid rise in strength. This is when the muscles start becoming denser and the deficient areas of the musculature start suddenly filling in, you are building joint resilience. Your raw strength transfers into raw golf power.

6. Unilateral Strength – Kettlebells require that you develop unilateral skills, coordination and strength. There is no hiding behind your “strong-hand” in kettlebell practice. Weak links in golf power development are filled in as you get stronger and become accustomed to the bracing requirements of kettlebell practice. Plugging power leaks lead to increased shot distance and develop that graceful yet powerful golf swing that all golfers desire.

7. Holistic – Kettlebells combine mobility, stability, balance/body awareness, strength and power into every movement. No other tool will challenge you when it comes to developing these attributes that you will be able to apply on the golf course. Kettlebell practice specifically trains all of the physical traits required by the elite golfer and succeed where other golf performance methods fail. In particular, KB practice addresses all of the elements that are going to be required of golfer, you practice whole body movements that carry over to the full golf swing.

8. Mental Hardening – Kettlebell practice develops a high level of mental toughness and an understanding of controlled aggression. You can’t approach a demanding “heavy” kettlebell practice session without an attitude that it is you against the kettlebell.  A golfer who is looking for a “light” practice session can find just that by using kettlebell techniques that will enhance their overall mobility, stability and awareness, for someone who is looking to up their golf performance, the kettlebell is the key that opens the lock. If you have ever done any high-repetition kettlebell practice you know exactly what I’m talking about. That little voice in your head that tells you it’s time to quit has to be taken to the ground and choked out so that you can build the golf strength and power that you desire.

9. Movement – Kettlebell practice requires that you to learn how to move your body efficiently, strongly and with grace and power. Sitting in a machine or lying on a bench is not going to give you the athletic ability to swing a golf club. Learning how to transition from movement to movement without external stabilization, (i.e., a bench or machine) will require you to develop a higher level of strength and mobility that no machine can ever provide. Developing the ability to internally stabilize an external load will give you the sensitivity and control you will need to play golf at a higher level. Kettlebells will expose your physical and functional weaknesses until they become your strengths – and then humble you over and over again building you into a better golf machine.

10. Complete System – Practicing with Kettlebells may be the perfect system for developing golf fitness. Kettlebells allow you to perform all of the basic movement patterns Push, Pull, Squat, Hinge, Carry and the Turkish Get-up, safely, efficiently and effectively. I know of no other tool or system out there that can make this claim although many will try – but very few will even come close. Through a unique combination of design, utilization and loading the kettlebell is “efficiently inefficient” in building mobility, stability, balance/body awareness, strength and power – something that will serve all golfers - from a weekend recreational golfer to an elite touring professional.

There you have it, 10 reasons why you can increase your golf performance by incorporating kettlebell practice into your weekly routine.  The Platinum Golf Fitness system consists of three 15-minute kettlebell practice sessions a week.  The system is for the completely deconditioned golfer to a golfer that is in extreme physical condition.   The system is progressive and can be used year round.

About the author:  Al Rymniak, is RKC, SFG and CK-FMS certified, he is also the inventor and the patent holder for the IronSolid golf training device and the co-founder of Platinum Golf Fitness.  An avid golfer that resides in Western Pennsylvania, he trains athletes and the general population but he specializes in performance training for the sport of golf. He can be contacted at, his IronSolid web site is he can also be reached at 724-962-1102 or 724-456-7503 (mobile).

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